Thursday, May 12, 2005

y a l e t o w n: Secret's Out - the Nokia N91

y a l e t o w n: Secret's Out - the Nokia N91
Boy do I want one of those N91 phones...

Well, I can finally tell you a little something about the project we've all be toiling away on in secret out here: yesterday, Nokia unveiled its first flagship music phone, called the N91 - and it was conceived, designed and built right here in Vancouver, BC.

The folks here have been working like maniacs to get the N91 ready for launch - you wouldn't believe the amount of work that goes into one little phone. It was really gratifying to see the response in the press (though a little odd being on the other side for a change) - people seemed uniformly impressed. It won't actually be released until later in the year (mobile-phone companies are notoriously impetuous about product announcements), but hopefully I'll get a prototype to tote around in the next couple of months. Hopefully we can knock a few big dents into the unstoppable iPod machine...

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