Friday, December 02, 2005

Ten Essential Tools: Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now -- MSDN Magazine, December 2005

Ten Essential Tools: Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now -- MSDN Magazine, December 2005: "ast year I wrote an article called '.NET Tools: Ten Must-Have Tools Every Developer Should Download Now' that highlighted 10 freely available tools for the Microsoft .NET Framework. This year I am again creating a list of must-have tools, but this time I'm focusing on Visual Studio add-ins as opposed to standalone tools. Visual Studio provides a rich extensibility model that developers at Microsoft and in the community have taken advantage of to provide a host of quality add-ins. Some add-ins contribute significant how-did-I-live-without-this functionality, while others just help you automate that small redundant task you constantly find yourself performing. 10 Must-Have Add-Ins TestDriven.NET GhostDoc Paster CodeKeep PInvoke.NET VSWindowManager PowerToy WSContractFirst VSMouseBindings CopySourceAsHTML Cache Visualizer Close [x] In this article, I introduce you to some of the best Visual Studio add-ins available today that can be downloaded for free. I walk through using each of the add-ins, but because I am covering so many I only have room to introduce you to the basic functionality. Each of these add-ins works with Visual Studio .NET 2003 and most of them already have versions available for Visual Studio 2005. If a Visual Studio 2005 version is not available a"

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