Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Windows Live Writer Beta

Fun and easy

Windows Live Writer is a free, downloadable desktop application that helps make blogging easier and more fun.

WYSIWYG editing

Now you don’t have to waste time going through the process of publishing, refreshing, previewing, and tweaking your post to get it looking the way you want. Writer knows the style of your blog (such as headings, fonts, colors, background images, paragraph spacing, and margins) and lets you see what your post will look like before you publish it.

Photo publishing

Writer makes inserting, customizing, and uploading photos to your blog a snap. Once you’ve added your pictures, you can modify size, text wrapping, and borders. Writer also lets you show a smaller thumbnail that links to a larger image for more detail.


Writer is a great client for Windows Live Spaces, and it also works with other weblogs including Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, and WordPress (and many others). Writer supports RSD (Really Simple Discoverability), the Metaweblog API, and the Moveable Type API.

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