Saturday, February 04, 2006

What to do with the empty Whisky/glass bottles; Whisky PC by MetkuMods - Because you love your hardware!

What to do with the empty Whisky/glass bottles; Whisky PC by MetkuMods - Because you love your hardware!

Who would have thought, modding a whisky bottle to hold a computer. Crazy!


I already had a powerful computer setup so I wanted something more quiet, small and low power consumptioning to function as a basic home server. I love to tinker with hardware etc. so I wanted to make something quite unique for a case. I have seen many nice and creative cases before but none of them were made out of a bottle. In November I bought an industrial 3.5' SBC board (with Socket370). For the project I selected a 1.5 litre Ballantine's bottle for case. That was the proper size and shape for the task at hand.

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