Friday, February 11, 2005

Learn to Use the New Annotation Feature of Java 5.0

Learn to Use the New Annotation Feature of Java 5.0: "The new Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 (the developer version number is 1.5 and the code name is "Tiger") provides many new features, among them is the ability to annotate Java program elements and to create custom annotation types. Development and deployment tools can then read annotated data (also known as metadata) and process it in some fashion.

Previous versions of Java provided a limited and ad-hoc mechanism for annotating code through JavaDoc comments and keyword modifiers. Tools such as XDoclet provide a slightly more sophisticated, yet non-standard annotation syntax, which piggybacks on top of JavaDoc. But now, with Java 1.5, annotations are a typed part of the Java language and allow for both runtime and compile-time processing of annotation data.

What Are Annotations?
In short, annotations are metadata or data about data. Annotations are said to annotate a Java element. An annotation indicates that the declared element should be processed in some special way by a compiler, development tool, deployment tool, or during runtime.

Older versions of Java have rough-and-ready annotation functionality. A good example is the @deprecated JavaDoc tag. The @deprecated tag is used for more than sheer documentation purposes. This tag has no effect on the code it describes, but causes the compiler to produce warnings if any other code references the tagged element. JavaDoc does not seem to be the proper place for this type of metadata, but there was no other annotation facility in previous versions of Java. With Java 1.5, finally, annotations are a typed part of the language and the version even comes with some with pre-built annotations, one of which can be used to mark a class as deprecated (I'll cover this later)."

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